Emulator similar to bluestacks
Emulator similar to bluestacks

While it is full of ads, you can get rid of it by paying a monthly or yearly subscription which is $10 cheaper than Bluestacks. It does not use a lot of resources but can still give you a smooth experience.

emulator similar to bluestacks

Just like Bluestacks and Nox, the Memu emulator is also optimized for gaming. It is also very light as the application uses the computer resources efficiently. It also has touch, gestures, GPS, and microphone to have a real tablet experience. The app makes it easy to transfer data from your own PC to the emulator. AMIDuOSįrom the BIOS makers American Megatrends, AMIDuOS is an Android emulator specifically aimed for productivity. It can also simulate a real phone by having the ability to assign phone numbers, phone make and model, and an IMEI number. Unlike Bluestacks, the Nox app player is rooted by default, this means that you can modify anything that requires root access.

emulator similar to bluestacks

You can also use a controller and assign keybinds for an immersive gaming experience.

emulator similar to bluestacks

You can easily allocate resources from your computer to run it smooth like butter. Nox Player is an Android emulator that is primarily focused on gaming. Why Do You Need a BlueStacks Alternatives?Ħ BlueStacks Alternatives For Windows 1.

Emulator similar to bluestacks